Acupuncture for Women's Health

Chinese Medicine has been addressing women’s health issues for millennia. It’s safe, and time-tested with minimal side-effects. Treatments are customized to address each individual’s needs on each visit. Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine can treat menstrual irregularities; infertility; pregnancy related discomforts; postpartum ailment; menopause transition and many other women’s health concerns such as pelvic health and breast health safely, effectively, and without the use of drugs, hormones (or with minimal uses) or invasive surgeries. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine evaluate and treat the body as a whole and not just one part or one system of the body where this helps to restore and rejuvenate a woman both physically and emotionally. 

Our goal at Women’s Healthcare of Illinois is to bring the integration of this ancient wisdom along with cutting-edge medical knowledge to help all areas of women’s health.

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Acupuncture Menstrual Support

Menstruation should be painless and accompanied by minimal pre- and postmenstrual symptoms. Acupuncture causes blood vessels to dilate, improving ovarian and uterine blood circulation and reducing menstrual pain and cramping. Acupuncture can regulate periods by balancing hormonal communication between the brain and the ovaries. Once hormones are balanced, the body will function properly, ovulation will occur, and menses will follow suit on a regular interval.

Acupuncture For Pregnancy

Pregnancy Support


Pregnancy is an extraordinary process for women.  This brings major changes in a woman’s body from the moment of conception to delivery, and beyond.  This is the period that requires a significant change in a woman’s diet, lifestyle and care. Many western therapies may not offer the best options during pregnancy.  Acupuncture / Chinese medicine, when performed by a qualified practitioner, is safe and effective in treating many disorders during pregnancy.

  • Relieve morning sickness
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Constipation
  • Sciatica
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Correct malposition of the fetus (Breech presentation).
  • Help support to induce labor
  • And much more!

Acupuncture Pre-Birth Support


Research has shown that women who received acupuncture treatment once a week starting 36 weeks of pregnancy had easier and more efficient labor and experienced fewer complications, fewer c-sections, required less medication and recovered faster.  

Postpartum Support


Childbirth is a very traumatic event for a woman as well as for the new baby; and the new mother and baby need the best care possible.   In America, post-partum health is discussed only in regard to depression, wound healing, and lactation.  After the baby’s born, many mothers soon get back to work and the child is shuffled about in a chaotic fashion. 

The Asian view the post-partum period as one of great vulnerability for both mother and child; and great care is given to protecting them.  Many women can develop temporary or permanent damage from a lack of proper post-partum care.  This may manifest in obvious ways such as infertility or menstrual disorders, but it can affect any system of the whole body.  Many women develop mysterious ailments after the birth of one of their children; from hair loss to neuropathy, migraines, tinnitus, constipation and much more.    

In Chinese Medicine’s perspective, much of the ‘essence’ from a woman’s body is lost during childbirth – the essence that supports and nourishes a woman’s physical and emotional health.  This can manifest as:

  • Postpartum Depression
  • Irritability
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Insufficient lactation
  • Fatigue
  • Delayed menstruation (after cessation of nursing)
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation or
  • Diarrhea
  • Bleeding
  • Malposition of the uterus
  • Incontinence to mention a few

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help nourish the new mother’s loss of essence and restore her back to balance.  This is a time of great transition, and we should not rush the process.   

FAQs: Acupuncture and Pregnancy


Have a question or want to learn more? Take a look at our Acupuncture for Pregnancy FAQs. 


Acupuncture Fertility Support

Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs can increase the chances of achieving pregnancy, naturally or in conjunction with Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI). 

The research has shown that Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can support:

  • Regulating the menses and hormones
  • Increase the thickness of uterine lining
  • Support follicle development during IVF or IUI stimulation.
  • Increase the likelihood of implantation
  • Moderate the side effects of IVF or IUI
  • Improve all parameters of sperm quality 
  • Support pregnancy to prevent miscarriage for those with history of recurrent pregnancy loss 
  • Relieve stress 
  • And boost overall fertile potential for women and men

Acupuncture Menopause Support

Menopause refers to the cessation of menstruation accompanied by many changes in women’s physiology. Unfortunately, this life transition is often portrayed with debilitating difficulties which makes many women fearful and concerned about this stage of life. 

If you’re experiencing hot flashes and night sweats, mood swings and dryness, acupuncture and Chinese herbals along with moderate diet and life-style changes, can ease this transition naturally! Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can provide another option to women who are not able to or do not wish to undergo hormone replacement therapy. Research has demonstrate that the women who received acupuncture showed significantly less hot flashes and more regulated hormone levels. Here is a partial list of symptoms that Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can support during this phase:

• Hot Flashes 

• Night Sweats 

• Irregular menstruation 

• Vagina dryness 

• Constipation 

• Poor memory 

• Depression 

• Insomnia 

• Osteoporosis 

• Decreased libido to mention a few

In many Asian cultures, the menopause refers to the time of rebirth. This is a period of change when women awaken with new potentials—using the experience and knowledge gained through the years to express themselves authentically. With the menstrual years behind her, a woman’s wisdom flourish and she can begin a new chapter in her life.

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Acupuncture for Women's Health FAQ's

How can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine promote overall good health?

In Chinese medicine’s theory, acupuncture and herbal treatments help to promote optimal circulation of vital energy (Qi) around the body and keep us in balance.  It is understood that all diseases are a manifestation of an imbalance.  So by preventing imbalance, theoretically, the disease is prevented. 

Western science does not subscribe to this theory.  One thing we know is that stress and the stress response can cause all manners of disease.  And acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress.

How often should healthy women get acupuncture to promote good health?

The balance in Chinese medicine is to live a such a way that a person does not need much supportive care.  Proper diet, life-style and the emotional well-being can go a long way to keep a person healthy.  Even if a person lives a complete balance, acupuncture support around the change of season can minimize the exterior impact that might hinder the balance. Those who are not living in balance (which I believe tends to be the case in most of us) can benefit from more frequent treatments.  The recommended frequency will be determined by a qualified acupuncturist.

In terms of modern medical theory, acupuncture appears to work by stimulating the body to release natural biomolecules such as neurotransmitters, vasodilators, and hormones. The exact mechanisms which bring this about are unknown, but the effects are measurable.

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help to regulate abnormal menstrual cycles?

Yes, acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been used for millennia to treat menstrual disorders.  Often times with proper frequency acupuncture and right herbal combinations the menstrual cycle can be normalized within 3-4 months.

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with the treatment of painful periods?

Absolutely. Acupuncture and herbal treatments have been used for any type of menstrual disorder for thousands of years.  Painful menses were not considered normal according to Chinese medicine therefore numerous treatments options were developed to correct this. 

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with the treatment of heavy periods?

Yes, this is considered another example of inner imbalance and menstrual disorder that has been effectively treated using acupuncture and herbal remedies.  Heavy periods can be very depleting to a woman and should not be left untreated. 

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with infertility?

In Ancient China, the ability to have a child, particularly a son was of utmost importance.  If the Emperor was unable to sire an heir, this was a national crisis.  For this reason, gynecology was one of the first developed specialties of Chinese medicine.  In recent years, acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been two of the most sought-after complementary treatment of infertility in America. Research has shown that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help to increase the chances of achieving pregnancy, both naturally and in conjunction with Assisted Reproductive Therapies.

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with symptoms of menopause?

Numerous studies suggest that acupuncture and Chinese medicine is effective in addressing the discomfort of menopause including hot flashes, night sweats, dryness, and decreased libido. In many Asian cultures, menopause is referred to as a “Time of Renewal-Rebirth” or as “Second Spring”.  This is known as period of change when women awaken with new potentials—using the experience and knowledge gained through the years to express themselves authentically.  For this reason, in Asian cultures, older women are respected and revered for their collective wisdom, and often, with celebration.

Unfortunately, menopause is not viewed as such in Western culture.  Our media and popular culture have led women to believe it is often considered as the end of womanhood with debilitating difficulties.  This makes many women fearful and concerned about this stage of life.  But for most women, this stage does not come abruptly but rather this change is gradual and progressive.

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with the treatment of endometriosis?

Acupuncture, along with Chinese herbal teas are certainly a natural, non-invasive option for addressing endometriosis and the symptoms related to endometriosis such as pain.  Since there may be multiple issues relating to endometriosis including inflammation and sensitivity to estrogen, the treatment recommendation not only includes acupuncture, herbal teas but also the diet and lifestyle.

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with the treatment of uterine fibroids?

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal teas will certainly help to address uterine fibroids.  The result will depend on the size of the fibroid.  Most small to medium size fibroids, not larger than a size of a lemon can be treated quite effectively with acupuncture and herbal support. 

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help boost the immune system and help with the treatment of abnormal pap smears?

The short answer is yes, acupuncture can support to resolve of abnormal pap smears by boosting the immune system. Actually, acupuncture, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, and helping women to modify their diet and lifestyle can all improve the immune system

Can the use of acupuncture, herbs and traditional Chinese medicine help with the treatment of painful sex?

Yes, acupuncture is known to treat pain and pain with sex is no exception.  In fact, our acupuncture director was a part of an NIH-funded study investigating acupuncture for vulvodynia.  And the research showed that the treatment was effective. The bonus is that acupuncture not only helps with painful sex but it can help women and men to enjoy sex more easily.